
Welcome to the website of L. Nakhshin j. mohammed. In 2014, I received my Master's degree in Accounting from the University of Salahaddin. Iam a Lecturer in the Department of Accounting at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Salahadin.

 My vision for working as a lecturer at the university can be summarized in achieving the ultimate goal that every lecturer seeks, which is to deliver academic content to students effectively through the use of the latest and best sources and teaching methods. This in turn will enable students to reach their highest academic potential and develop knowledge that will benefit them in their future professional and academic careers.  

My vision revolves around:

  • Benefit from the latest and best academic sources.

  • Employing effective teaching methods. 

 • Enhancing students’ academic capabilities.

  • Preparing students for their professional and academic future.

  By achieving these goals, I aim to make a positive impact on the students’ learning experience and prepare them for success in their future endeavors.